Wednesday 16 March 2011

Quiz Time!!!

Who Can Work This Quiz Out?

I Am A Pet And Always On The Floor
What Am I?

If You Work This Puzzle Out, Please Write In The 'Comments'.

This Is A VERY Confusing Puzzle, So It May Take Some Time!!

Every Week There Will Be A Quiz, So If You Enjoy These, Be Sure To Come Back!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. this is very very HARD
    I am from Germany, and i ask all my friends, we all are working out this, please email me the answer!!

    i'll give you my email address!! please! please!!

  3. this is quite hard!

    but i got it! i wont say. it is: c*****

    i wont give full! but its 6 letters!!! is it right???

  4. I know! I know!

    c***** would be my answer too.

  5. oh yeah, lets just give the answer, carPET,
    what a tricky one, give us more, we will clock them!!!
